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Выберете правильное слово 1 he completely forgot/left about the meeting. 2 can you hear/listen that noise? 3 i'm sorry, i've forgotten/left your name. 4 take/bring this note to dr mason. he is in another room 5 she makes/does all her own clothes. 6 he bought/sold a diamond ring for his wife. 7 i sold/bought a ticket to mary. 8 i left/forgot the car keys in the house 9 can you see/watch that car over there? 10 should i stay or go/come? 11 we wait/expect the meeting will finish about 5 o'clock. 12 the policeman brought/took him into a tiny room. 13 the furniture was made/done by a swedish firm. выберите правильное слово 1. i don't like horror films. i think they are (frightening/frightened) and (boring/bored). 2. don't look so (surprising/surprised). 3. it was a (tiring/tired) journey. 4. the football match was (disappointing/disappointed). 5. he can't remember his name. it is rather (embarrassing/embarrassed). 6 lisa had to get used to (drive/driving) on the left. 7 we used to (live/living) in a small village, but now we live in london. 8 dan used to (drink/drinking) a lot of coffee. now he prefers tea.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) forgot                                                                           1)frightening/boring

2)hear                                                                               2)surprised

3)  forgotten                                                                       3)tiring

4)bring                                                                               4)disappointing

5)makes                                                                           5)embarrassing

6)bought                                                                             6)drive

7)sold                                                                                     7)living

8)left                                                                                       8)drink





1: 15 - it's a quarter past one.2: 30  - it's half past two. 3: 45  - it's a quarter to four. 4: 00  - it's four o'clock sharp. 5: 15  - it's a quarter past fine. 5: 30  - it's half past five. 5: 45  - it's a quarter to six. 6: 00  - it's six o'clock sharp. 6: 30  - it's half past six. 7: 15  - it's a quarter past seven. 8: 00  - it's eight o'clock sharp. 8: 45  - it's a quarter to eight. 9: 30  - it's half past nine.

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