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Ii. перепишите следующие предложения. подчеркните в каждом глагол-сказуемое и определите его видо-временную форму и залог. переведите на язык. 1. the terms of payment were discussed yesterday. 2. he will be sent to london next week. 3. he was shown the way to the station. 4. this article will never be translated into russian. 5. i am expected to receive the application form soon. 6. goods will not be distributed before they reach the buyer. 7. if sales continue to fall, i’m afraid this model will have to be discontinued. 8. most of the world’s soccer balls are produced in asia. 9. our new computer games will be distributed nationwide. 10. the existing model can be improved easily. 11. the packaging will be modifies and our product will become environmentally friendly. 12. when alkafen was launched, the competition was already testing a similar drug.

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1. the terms of payment were discussed (past simp pass) yesterday. 2. he will be sent (fut simp pass) to london next week. 3. he was shown (past simp pass) the way to the station. 4. this article will never be translated (fut simp pass) into russian. 5. i am expected (pres simp pass) to receive the application form soon. 6. goods will not be distributed (fut simp pass) before they reach (pres simp act) the buyer. 7. if sales continue (pres simp act) to fall, i’ m (pres simp act) afraid this model will have to be discontinued (fut simp pass). 8. most of the world’s soccer balls are produced (pres simp pass) in asia. 9. our new computer games will be distributed (fut simp pass) nationwide. 10. the existing model can be improved (pres simp pass) easily. 11. the packaging will be modified (fut simp pass) and our product will become (fut simp act) environmentally friendly. 12. when alkafen was launched (past simp pass), the competitor was already testing (past cont act) a similar drug. 1. условия оплаты были обсуждены вчера. 2. он будет направлен в лондон на следующей неделе. 3. ему показали дорогу к вокзалу. 4. эта статья никогда не будет переведена на язык. 5. ожидается, что я получу бланк заявления в ближайшее время. 6. товары, не будут раздаваться до того, как они достигнут покупателя. 7. если продажи продолжат падать, боюсь, что выпуск этой модели придется прекратить. 8. большинство мировых футбольных мячей производятся в азии. 9. наши новые компьютерные игры будут распространяться по всей стране. 10. существующая модель может быть легко улучшена. 11. упаковка будет изменена, и наш продукт станет экологически чистым. 12. когда alkafen был запущен, конкурент уже тестировал подобный препарат.

Not everyone knows how useful for our body is to ride a bicycle. most people spend hours these days in front of computer screens, which is not healthy at all. riding a bicycle has a number of benefits. first of all, it’s the time spent in the fresh air. it’s especially good when cycling is outside the city, for example, cross-country cycling or mountain biking. secondly, when we cycle we make our legs stronger, improve the overall endurance and respiratory system. thirdly, riding a bike one can save lots of money, which would be spent on city transportation of car fuel. besides, bicycles keep our environment in good ecological shape. many cities are now being supplied by special cycling lanes. as it’s been already mentioned, riding a bike has many health benefits, such as preventing vascular dystonia, increasing immunity, enriching blood with oxygen, reducing the risk of myopia, relieving stress, etc. one of the obvious things is the improved mood. many people note that after regular cycling they feel much better not only physically, but also morally. it is especially great if there is a friend who supports and enjoys riding as much as you. bicycle is highly recommended to those who want to lose weight. it is important to remember that cycling takes up lots of energy, so the balance can be restored by drinking plenty of water. in my opinion, the only danger connected with bicycles is the risk of frequent falls.

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