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Hello, mrs conti.how are you today? fine .what' s good today? we have a special on beef.it' s 2.80a pound. are you sure it ' s good? of course! o.k. give me three pounds of beef. переводите .заранее

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Миссис конти. как у вас сегодня дела? хорошо. что у вас хорошего сегодня? у нас есть спец. цена на говядину. 2.80 зa фунт.а она точно хорошая? конечно! ладно. дайте мне три фунта говядины.

1) i think people in russia someday everything will become easier to live. but because of the aggravation of the political situation now, i can not judge. 2) i hope that russia is not lose their territory. it is possible that to us can go to any territory as it was with the crimea. 3) i think moscow will remain the capital of russia 4) this year, meteorologists have noted a slight change of climate compared to previous years. i certainly hope that the average temperature in each month will rise a little. but we must not forget that the harsh russian winter- business card. 5) now in some of foreign schools russian language is entered as required for the study. many foreigners studying the self- russian language( someone for a trip to russia, someone just for themselves). english language is becoming more and more popular and it pleases.

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