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Нужно сочинение про какое-нибудь животное или просто про животных в нашей жизни , на языке , (пунктов мало , я новичок , ещё не успела , а )

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our time.  many animalsdo not have ahome.many people simplykickedthemout.although they couldgive them awayin good hands.thousands ofdogsand catsdie everyday, andall of thesedeathsare usually associated .why do peopleevendare i saythrow awayused syringes todrug addicts.weall understand thatthey aredrug addicts, but itshould be stopped.for this we mustmakea special schoolwho can thenthink it'sfunny,but when you all want theanimals to bewith us.butif you think aboutwhatwe give them,we are with themto do so.and then theanimals -loyalcreatures, theytrust us,they thinkwedo not hurt.but life is nota fairy tale,oncethe streetdog died.have you ever wonderedwhich is why, of course not, you donot matter,what happened to her, you justbypass.everylife is importantno matter whoit is or whatit is alive.and iwill not letthat theydied.drugsisharmfulto all living creatures.think about do not care, theyare listedas endangered.it is a livingcreature.

my favorite animal is dog. but i haven't got a pet, because my parents think i'm not  responsible to look    after the dog. in my birthday i don't want to have an iphone, i want to have a dog -  pomeranian. it is my  favorite breed. few months ago i found one  pomeranian in facebook his name is boo. he is so cute and nice.  they are't very big, but they are fluffy and friendly. if i have a dog i will call her - april or virgo. what is all that can i say about my dream pet: )

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