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Выберите ответ и объясните почему вы его выбрали.объяснять не ! 1.it was 3.ben wanted to paint the fence because a) a weekday a) he liked painting fence b) sunday b) tom said, 'it's a pleasure! ' c) saturday c) he wanted to help his friend 2.tom wanted to 4.the fence was painted by the afternoon - - because a) laugh with his friends a)tom was a hardworking bot b) laugh at his friends b)tom was clever c) go to the river c)tom's friends wanted to help him

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)sunday.    3)he wanted to help his friend.  2)laugh with his friends. 4)tom's friends wanted to help him. 

1. i was sad when we had to say goodbye. 2. the man ran quickly round the corner. 3. we could hear loud voices on the flat next door. 4. it was a difficult journey but we all arrived safely. 5. i get nervous when i'm in a big crowd. 6. 'stop that! ' she shouted angrily. 7. we haven't been to london recently. 8. i can't sing very 8 я точно не знаю(

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