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Sandy was on her way to work. being the owner of a book shop was her dream. she loved books and the smell of recently published ones. when she got to the shop she noticed that there was something wrong with the door. it was open. she remembered closing it last night. so there was only one explanation — she was robbed.entering the shop she realized that the place was turned upside down. all the books were on the floor. she checked the till and thanked herself for taking all the money to the bank last night so there was nothing to steal.she was upset but the relief of the thought that nothing was stolen calmed her down. —i need to set an alarm system, — thought sandy and started placing books on the bookshelves. перевод: сэнди была на пути к работе. быть владелицей книжного магазина было ее мечтой. она любила книги и запах недавно опубликованных книг.когда она дошла до магазина, то заметила, что что-то не так с дверью. она была открыта. она вспомнила, как закрывала ее прошлой ночью. так что было только одно объяснение — ее ограбили.войдя в магазин, она поняла, что все было перевернуто вверх дном. все книги были на полу. она проверила кассу и себя за то, что вчера вечером отнесла все деньги в банк, так что воровать было нечего.она была расстроена, но облегчение от мысли, что ничего не украли, успокоило ее. — нужно установить сигнализацию, — подумал сэнди и начала раскладывать книги на книжных полках. \

1) the teacher asked me to hand that note to my parents.2) mum asked us not to make a noise! 3) my friend invited me to go to the party. 4) my sister advised me to go to the hospital 5) he recommended us to come there the following day. 6) he said that he was sure she would call him back 7) she said that she hadn't been to paris that year 8) my sister said that she didn't go shopping very often 9)the children said that they were playing then

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