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Ответить на вопросы по языку с do you know? talk to your classmate where is astana? is it in the south of kazakhstan? is it in the north of kazakhstan? is it in the west of kazakhstan? is it in the east of kazakhhhhhhstan? is it warm in astana? is it cold in astana? is it warm in your village? / town?

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Ответы на вопрос:

where   is   astana? где астана? astana is the city in kazakhstan/астана-город в казахстане.

is   it   in   the   south   of   kazakhstan? это на юге казахстана? no,it is not.нет,это не так.

is   it   in   the     north   of   kazakhstan? это на севере казхастана? yes,it is.да ,это так

is   it   in   the     west   of   kazakhstan? это   на западе казахстана? no,it is not.нет,это не так.

is   it   in     the   east   of   kazakhstan? это на востоке казахстана? no,it is not.нет,это не так.

is   it   warm   in   astana? в астане тепло? no,it is not.нет,это не так.

is     it   cold   in   astana? в астане холодно? yes,it is.да ,это так

is   it   warm   in   your   village? / town? в твоем городе тепло? yes,it is/no,it is not.(смотря в каком городе живешь,теплом или холодном)


Mark: yes, thanks. it was good. we looked around and then we saw a show. we did not try to do too much. c: what sights did you see? m: we had a look round the louvre. i did not know there was so much in there. c: and what show did you go to? v: oh, a musical. i forget the name. i did not like it. c: oh, not really. but we enjoyed the weekend. sarah did some shopping, but i did not want to go shopping.

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