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Translate into english using the appropriate forms of the pronouns. 1. ему холодно. 2. вчера они сообщили нам эту новость. 3. расскажите мне о лондоне. 4. их никогда нет дома. 5. позови его к телефону. 6. это не его сумка, а ее. 7. ты, случайно, не помнишь его адрес? 8. где мои очки? кто-нибудь видел их? 9. он покажет мне свой дом, а я покажу ему свой. 10. эта бабочка похожа на цветок. разве ее крылья не великолепны?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. he was cold. 2. yesterday they told us the news. 3. tell me about london. 4. their never home. 5. put him on the phone. 6. it's not his bag, and her. 7. you wouldn't happen to remember his address? 8. where are my glasses? has anyone seen them? 9. he shows me his house and i show him mine. 10. this butterfly look like a flower. unless its wings are not great. вот так

1. he was cold. 2. yesterday they told us the news. 3. tell me about london. 4. their never home. 5. put him on the phone. 6. it's not his bag, and her. 7. you wouldn't happen to remember his address? 8. where are my glasses? has anyone seen them? 9. he shows me his house and i show him mine. 10. this butterfly look like a flower. unless its wings are not great.

Ithink that cats are the best animals. i've always wanted to have a cat. last year my parents bought me a cat. i gave him a name tom. he is now a big black cat.  tom has a little cat house, where he sleeps at night and during the day. we play with tom, but he never scratches me. in summer we take tom to the countryside. tom likes it very much. he is allowed to walk outside. once tom brought us a mouse. we didn't let him kill it, we saved it. i love my tom very much. вообще, по правилам .языка местоимение, используемое при разговоре о  животных - it. но в данном случае мы используем he, т.к. tom для нас - это не просто животное, "оно", а член семьи - "он"

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