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10 б, переведите одно предложение: переводчик не принимаю. сразу рапорт. джон принимал законы и назначал на должности людей без разрешения папы. (pope - папа римский)

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Ответы на вопрос:

John had took laws and appointed to the post without permission of pope

1) if i am here i will help you. if i was here i would help you. if i had been here, i would have helped you. 2) if it is possible we will begin this work at once. if it was possible we would begin this work at once. if it had been possible, we would have begun this work at once. 3) if she has all the necessary books she will make her report in time. if she had all the necessary books she would make her report in time. if she had had all the necessary books, she would have made her report in time.

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