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20 ! choose grammatically incorrect sentences: a) i wake up at 8.20 yesterday. b) i begin to learn french when i was in the second class. c) i didnt play computer games yesterday because i was too busy. d) why dont you phone your granny last week? e) i get an e-mail from my new friend on sunday

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A) i woke up at 8.20 yesterday. b) i began to learn french when i was in the second class.d) why didn't you phone your granny last week? e) i got an e-mail from my new friend on sunday.

The term “third world” arose at the stage of active opposition of two systems: capitalist and socialist. The state, left aloof from this war, began to be called the "third world" or developing countries.

The “third world” usually includes the former colonial and dependent countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Economic dependence, attachment to foreign capitalist economy, its industrial and scientific-technical base

Abnormal economic relations have developed long ago between Western states and most developing countries. These relations were built on nonequivalent trade. Western countries sell their finished industrial products at higher prices, and buy raw materials and energy in third world countries at lower prices. As a result, the debt of developing countries to developed countries is growing rapidly.


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