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Напишите как читается! shop assistant: good morning. how can i help you? greg: good morning. i am looking for a birthday present for a friend. shop assistant: ls it for a girl or a boy? greg: it's for my friend judy. she is twelve tomorrow. shop assistant: what does your friend like doing in her free time? greg: she likes playing board games and meeting friends. shop assistant: what about a jigsaw puzzle then? greg: that's a good idea. how much are they? shop assistant: this one has 5000 pieces and costs €18. greg: i'm afraid that's too expensive. only have €15. shop assistant: let me see. does she like painting? greg: yes, she loves drawing and making things. shop assistant: how about this puppet making set? it's only €13. greg: that's great. i'll take it. shop assistant: would you like me to wrap it? greg: yes, please

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Шоп эˈсистэнт:   гуд ˈмонин.  хaу кэн ай хелп ю?   грег:   гуд ˈмонин.  ай эм ˈлукин фор э ˈбёсдей ˈпрезнт фор э френд.  шоп эˈсистэнт: итс фор э гёл ор э бой?   грег:   итс фо май френд ˈджуди.  ши из туэлв тэˈмороу.  шоп эˈсистэнт:   уот даз ё френд лайк ˈдуин ин хё фри тайм?   грег:   ши лайкс ˈплейин бод геймз энд ˈмитин френдз.  шоп эˈсистэнт:   уот эˈбaут э ˈджигˌсо ˈпазл зен?   грег:   зэтс э гуд айˈдиэ.  хaу мач а зей?   шоп эˈсистэнт:   зис уан хэз файв 'саузэнд ˈписиз энд костс эйт'ин юэроуз.  грег:   айм эˈфрейд зэтс ту иксˈпенсив.  ˈоунли хэв фифти: н 'юроуз.  шоп эˈсистэнт:   лет ми си.  даз ши лайк ˈпейнтин?   грег:   йес,  ши лавз ˈдроин энд ˈмейкин синз.  шоп эˈсистэнт:   хaу эˈбaут зис ˈпапит ˈмейкин сет?   итс ˈоунли сёт'ин юэроуз.  грег:   зэтс грейт.  айл тейк ит.  шоп эˈсистэнт:   ууд ю лайк ми ту рэп ит?   грег:   йес, 

Summer is the best period for holidays, so many people schedule their holidays for this time of the year. schools are also closed during summer months till september. many schoolchildren say that it’s their favourite  season   of the year. i also enjoy summer holidays. we usually go to the black sea coast. my parents choose the city, book the  hotel , buy the tickets and off we go. sometimes we choose to go to sochi, sometimes to crimea. it doesn’t matter which city we visit, because sea and sun are the same everywhere and i like swimming and sunbathing very much. there are many picturesque cities and places to visit. last year we went to crimea. it wasn’t only a swimming and relaxing holiday. we also went on many excursions, even climbed the mountains. i can say that crimea is one of the most fascinating places i’ve ever been to. it offers great opportunities for tourists. the climate is mild, the scenery is nice and there are many interesting historic monuments. the sea was also great. we really enjoyed our stay in crimea. there is a good chance that we’ll visit it again this year. another perfect idea for summer holidays is going to countryside, away from the city noise. my grandparents live there and they are always happy to see us.я незнаю есть тут или нет 150 слов)

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