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:1. i wish i fair hair like my mother. а) had б) has в) have г) have had 2.in summer jack worked a waiter at the nearest cafe. а) like б) as в)in г) on 3. befor last month s competition, she three medals. а) had already won б) already wins в) has already won г ) had already been winning 4. both brad and his friends at college. а) studies б) study в) studying г) studys

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1)-в) 2)-б) 3)-a) 4)-б)

Ассаламу алейкум! 1. в)have; 2. б)as; 3. а)had already won ; 4. б)study. успехов!

1does she work at school as a teacher? who works at school as a teacher? where does she work as a teacher? 2do they call at money foreign ports? who calls at money foreign ports? what ports do they call at money?

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