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Раскрыть скобки 1. the tour guide (to speak) a few foreign languages. 2. the guide (not to know) all the sights in our destination. she (not to be) a local guide. 3. how often you (to travel) on business? 4. you (to be) a ticket agent? – no, i (to be) a travel consultant. 5. the chief animator (to supervise) the staff of animators? 6. how tour operators (to sell) their tour packages? 7. travel agents (not to develop) tour packages. 8. your travel agency (to sell) separate services? – yes, it (to do). but we (not to offer) car rentals. 9. where you (to find) your customers? 1 0. your travel consultant (to be) in the office? – no, he (not to be) in. he (to be) away on business. 11. her friends (to be) guides or interpreters? 12. her friends (to work) or (to study)?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1-speaks 2-didn't know; wasn't 3-do you travel 4-are you ; am 5-does the chief animator supervise 6- sell 7-do not develop 8-does your travel agency sell 9-do you find 10-was your travel 11-are her friends 12-do her friends work or study

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