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Дано: авс- прямоугольный треугольник, угол с-прямой. а=5, в=12-катеты, с-гипотенуза, сд-h-высота. 12 д найти высоту h , проведенную к стороне с

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Ответы на вопрос:

Есть теорема, в которой сказано, что медиана п/у треугольника делит гипотенузу пополам и равна 1/2 гипотенузы по теореме пифагора гипотенуза равна 144 + 25 под корнем = 13 тогда h = 6,5
4,4(8 оценок)

gprs is the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who


gprs is the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the first of the people who are not in the

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