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1. what funny advice! a ) a b) the c) - 2. look at stars ! they are beautiful, aren"t they? a) this b) these c) those 3. he asked same question. a) a b) the c) - 4. we a key when we were washing the floor. a) find b) found c) were finding 5. if you go there tomorrow you meet him. a) will be able to b) could c) had him 6. she always listens to the radio. she is not uses to tv a) watch b) watches c) watching 7.he's just spoken to the a)hasnt he? b)has he c)isnt he? 8.they a party.now they are cleaning the room. a)have b)had c)have had 9.they have been waiting for her 10 oclock a)since b)for c)at 10.mr.smith is writing a book.he it since christmas. a)is writing b)has been writing c)has written

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