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Написать persuasive text about fixing из пяти глав

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  56741986.docpersuasive textspurpose: to argue the case for a point of viewto attempt to convince the reader  structure: opening statement - introduce your point of viewarguments - point and evidenceconclusion - repeat your point of viewfeatures: present tenseconnectives (logical not time) -because, however, thisshows, etc.language techniques: personal pronouns-using words like ‘we’, ‘you’, ‘our’ and ‘us’ to make your audience think you aretalking only to themgroups of three when three adjectives or phrases are used together  to make them stand out.e.g.homework is boring, dull and uninteresting   rhetorical questions  -using questions that don’t need an answer to get the audience to think. e.g. could you live with yourself if you missed out on this  opportunity?  repetition  -words or phrases are repeated so that they stick in the reader’s mind.  e.g. remember what is was like to be at school; remember how much work  you had.emotive language when words are used to make the  reader feel a certain  emotion, like sadness or  anger.  e.g. we are the  poor, helpless children who are forced to do  hours and hoursof homework every night.  exaggerationwhen information is given that is over the top, or slightly untrue.  e.g. if i get one more piece of homework, i am going to  move to the moon!   facts and statisticswhen truthful information is given to back up a point. e.g. 95% of pupils feel that there is too much homework

1-a. 2-b. 3-a. 4-a. 5-b. 6-a. 7-a. 8-a. 9-b. 10-a

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