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Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужную форму глаголов law enforcement rita gonzales (be) 43 years old next month. she (live) in richardson, texas and (work) for the dallas police department. she (be) a police officer. her husband (be) also a law enforcement officer, but he (not/ work) in the same department. they (have) a 15-year old son, matthew. like most law enforcers, gonzales (work) shifts. this week she (be) on the early shift. she (start) work at 07.00a.m and (finish) at 3.00p.m. when she (be) on the early shift she (get) up at 5.00.a.m. she (spend) a few minutes with her family, then (put) on her uniform and (go) to work. she always (drive) to work. she (not/take) public transport because it (not/be) reliable. it usually (take) an hour to get to work. when she (arrive) at dallas police department, she (have) a briefing. then she (collect) her patrol car and (drive) to her patrol zone. gonzales (love) hew job but (not/like) the paperwork.”for everything i do, i fill in three forms,” she (say).”it takes a lot of my time”. now rita (be) at home. she (sit) with her son on the sofa. he (read) a detective story and rita (knit) a sock. she (be) fond of knitting. she (wear) a t-shirt and a long skirt. matthew (wear) a sweater and jeans. their cat lucky (play) with a clew of wool near the sofa. lucky (like) playing with little soft things.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Rita gonzales (is) 43 years old next month. she (lives) in richardson, texas and (works) for the dallas police department. she (is) a police officer. her husband (is) also a law enforcement officer, but he (does not/ work) in the same department. they (have) a 15-year old son, matthew. like most law enforcers, gonzales (works) shifts. this week she (is) on the early shift. she (starts) work at 07.00 a.m and (finishes) at 3.00p.m. when she (is) on the early shift she (gets) up at 5.00 a.m. she (spends) a few minutes with her family, then (puts) on her uniform and (goes) to work. she always (drives) to work. she does (not/take) public transport because it (is not) reliable. it usually (takes) an hour to get to work. when she (arrives) at dallas police department, she (has) a briefing. then she (collects) her patrol car and (drives) to her patrol zone. gonzales (loves) her job but (does not/like) the paperwork.”for everything i do, i fill in three forms,” she (says).”it takes a lot of my time”. now rita (is) at home. she (is sitting) with her son on the sofa. he (is reading) a detective story and rita (is knitting) a sock. she (is) fond of knitting. she (is wearing) a t-shirt and a long skirt. matthew (is wearing) a sweater and jeans. their cat lucky (is playing) with a clew of wool near the sofa. lucky (likes) playing with little soft things.

2) six hundred
3) five hundred and fourth
4) eight hundred and thirty
5) four hundred and sixty
6) one thousand

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