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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. circle since or for where necessary. 1. our teacher ) married since/ for thirty years. unfortunately, his wife died last year. 2. how long /go) out with your new girlfriend? 3. i (know) rachel for/since 2008. 4. he (have) a yacht for/since about ten years. 5. (visit) barcelona not long ago.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. our teacher has been married for thirty years. unfortunately, his wife died last year. 2. how long have you gone out with your new girlfriend? 3. i have known rachel since 2008. 4. he has had a yacht for about ten years. 5. i have visited barcelona not long ago.

1. is married for 30 years. 2.do you go 3.know rachel since.. 4.has / for about 5. visited

-do not smoke or drink-why did this because he did not happen, do not they? -what will happen, you ukarachivaesh life. you can not bite his nails, the cap on the pen.-what happens if i'm biting his nails? -you zanesesh infection and you will have serious problems.-i obey your advice and try not to do it.thanks, i knew that you and i can still talk

-нельзя курить и пить-почему ведь он этого ничего не случится! не так ли? -как не случится,ты укарачиваешь свою жизнь. нельзя грызть ногти,колпачок от ручки.-а что случится, если я буду грызть ногти? -ты занесешь инфекцию и у тебя будут серьезные проблемы.-я послушаюсь твоим советам и попробую не делать это.-,я знала что с тобой еще можно поговорить

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