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Япровела зимние каникулы хорошо. новый год был чудесный! у нас стояла красивая ёлка. новый год мы встречали дома всей семьёй. после того как пробили часы 12, я со своим братом вышла на улицу. на следующий день к нам приехали гости. зимние каникулы мне понравилось, я хорошо провела время. много гуляла на улице, ходила на репетиции. я ещё выполняла . вот так я провела зимние каникулы. эти каникулы были замечательными. нужен перевод

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ispent my winter holidays very well! a new year was wonderful. we had a beautiful new year tree. our family celebrated a new year together at home. after   the clock struck 12, i and my brother went outside. next day we had guests. i liked winter holidays very much. i had a good time.  we walked a lot. we went  to the rehearsals. i also did homework. that was how i spent my winter holidays. these holidays were amazing. 

Ispent my winter holidays very well. the new year was wonderful! we had a beautiful tree. new year we meet together as a family. after the clock struck 12, i with my brother went outside. the next day we came to visit. winter break i really liked, i had a good time. a lot of walking on the street, went to the rehearsal. i was still doing homework. that's how i spent my winter vacation. this vacation was wonderful.




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