Есть ответ 👍

Придумать два предложения и каждое из них поставить в три времени present simple, past simple, present continuous. а так же каждое из этих предложений поставить в утвердительную, отрицательную и вопросительную форму.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. i go to school every day i don`t go to school every day do i go to school every day? i went to school yesterday i didn`t go to school yesterday did i go to school yesterday? i`m going to school now i`m not going to school now am i going to school now? . 2. he plays the piano on sundays he doesn`t play the piano on sundays does he play the piano on sundays? he played the piano 2 days ago he didn`t play the piano 2 days ago did he play the piano 2 days ago? he is playing the piano at the moment he isn`t playing the piano at the moment is he playing the piano at the moment? надеюсь, сейчас мой ответ не удалит модератор?

1.. himself, на скільки я зрозуміла то треба лише одне слово



Популярно: Английский язык