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Переведите на обычно я сижу дома и смотрю телевизор или родителям. когда на улице снег и тепло, я делаю снеговика с друзьями, а когда нет снега, я катаюсь на роликах или играю с друзьями на детской площадке. ещё у меня с друзьями есть шалаш возле моего дома. мы часто играем там, когда на улице прохладно. а вечерами я сижу дома и читаю книжки своему брату. потом я и брат играем с нашим щенком. еще я с братом люблю играть в прятки. с ним весело! заранее! =)

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Ответы на вопрос:

Iusually sit at home and watch tv or help my parents. when there's snow outside and warm, i make a snowman with friends, and when there is no snow, i ride on roller skates or play with friends on the playground. even my friends have a tent near my house. we often play there when it's chilly outside. and in the evenings i sit at home and read books to his brother. then i and my brother playing with our puppy. even my brother like to play hide and seek. with him fun!

    hello, my dear pen-friend!     thanks for your letter. it was great to hear from you and hear about the festival of modern pop-music.       i've taken so long to write back because i've been very busy. i like pop music too, but my favourite music is a rock. i listen to kino(да, да именно kino, это рок-группа и название не переводится), the queen, ac/dc and other rock bands.when i listen to rock musik, i feel so happy. because only music helps me to be happy in our busy lifes. my parents kisten rock music too and they are happy to listen it with me.     anyway, that's all for now. please write soon and tell me something about your life.       best wishes       твое имя

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