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Выберите правильный вариант. i don’t like when people make noise/a noise. if you want to know the news, you can read paper/a paper. light/a light comes from the sun. i was in a hurry this morning. i didn't have time/a time for breakfast. sue was very helpful. she gave us some very useful advice/advices. we had very good weather/a very good weather while we were on holiday. we were very unfortunate. we had bad luck/a bad luck. it's very difficult to find a work/job at the moment. our travel/journey from london to istanbul by train was very tiring. we had wonderful time/a wonderful time together. 3. раскройте скобки, образовав из глагола герундий. вставьте перед ним нужный предлог: of (4), at, by (3), for, to. what are the advantages a car? (to have) i have no intention you money. (to lend) helen is good names. (to remember) the burglars got into the house the window. (to break) mark has no chance his exams. (to pass) i was able to reach the top shelf on a chair. (to stand) did you get into trouble late? (to be) instead at home, we went to a restaurant. (to eat) you start the engine of a car a key. (to turn) tom prefers working nothing. (to do)

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Ответы на вопрос:

Noise, a paper, light, time, advises, a very good weather, bad luck, job, journey, wonderful time

1. I like rainy weather
2. My umbrella is red and blue.
3. We need umbrella when it is rainy.
4. My mother doesn’t like rain.
5. Rain water is from clouds.
6. We need boots in rainy weather.
7. We can see rainbow after the rain.

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