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Умоей бабушки есть собака. это большая среднеазиатская овчарка, которая имеет кличку рекс. у него длинная густая шерсть белого цвета. голова большая, мордашка удлинена, суженная к носу. глаза в рекса темные и умные. смотрит он на всех пристальным, внимательным взглядом. стройные длинные ноги заросли гладкой шерстью. хвост коротенький, а из него волнами спадает шерсть. перевод

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My grandmother has a dog. it's a big central asian shepherd dog, which has the nickname of rex. he has a long thick coat of white. the head is large, face elongated, tapering to the nose. eyes in rex's dark and smart. he looks at all close, careful look. slender long legs thickets smooth hair. the tail is short, and from it waves subsides wool.

My grandma has a dog. he is a big central asian shepherd.he is called rex. he has a long white and soft wool.his head is big and his eyes are black. he softly looks at you. his intelligent eyes are wonderful. rex has long feet. they are covered with white wool too..i like this dog.


i’d like to describe picture №2. the picture shows us a girl. the photo was (probably) taken outside. in this picture the action is taking place in the park. looking at this girl i get the impression that she is reading a book. the girl looks like she is about 15 years old. she is wearing a fair blouse and a dark skirt.

i guess she is quiet and kind, because she has a beautiful smile.

i like the picture because the atmosphere is peaceful. it makes me think of summer.


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