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Choose the right item to complete the sentences. a1. she realized that lock the door. 1) forgot 3) had been forgetting 2)had forgotten 4) has forgotten a2. bread. we already had a lot. 1) needn't buy 3) doesn't have to buy 2)needn't have bought 4) had to buy a3) the the crime. 1) are 3)is 2)was 4) will a4. if i had known your number. 1) would call 3)will call 2)would have called 4) had called a5. we would like you holiday here. 1) will enjoy 3)enjoyed 2)enjoying 4)to enjoy a6. she gave useful advice. 1) an 3) some 2)a 4) the a7. alison was to come to the party. 1)a 3) the 2)an 4) - a8. put-your coat before you go out. 1) off 3) of 2)on 4)- a9. he has been waiting --a bus for half an hour. 1) for 3) with 2)to 4)at a10. i will never . 1) - 3) to 2)at 4)up a11. sally clever than her cousin. 1) much 3) so 2)very 4)many a12. she she opened her present. 1) happy 3) happier 2)friendly 4)happily a13. i have time these days. 1) some 3)- 2)any 4)no a14. where-your holiday last year? 1) have you spent 3)did you spent 2)had you spent 4) you spent a15. why don't you just--your own business and leave me in peace? 1) cheat 3) fix 2)mind 4) care a16. i have --finished my homework. 1) already 3)so far 2)yet 4)still a17. rich. he never has any money. 1)can't 3) could 2)can 4) must a18. ben did his exams. 1) good 3)bad 2)better 4) well a19. this suitcase the other one. 1) heavy 3) heavier 2)the heaviest 4) heavier a20. john did very--in his last exam. 1)good 3)well 2)better 4)best a21. i can't stand it any calm down. there is no point upset. 1) to get 3) get 2)in getting 4) to getting a22. dolphins and whales are them is fish. 1)either 3) any 2)neither 4) none a23. i would like to and tanya. 1)either 3) both 2)neither 4) any a24. play the clarinet? 1) can 3)couldn't 2)can't 4)may a25. i tried to open the door but it. 1) can 3)couldn't 2)can't 4) may a26. how ? 1) the blinds 3)the blinds people 2)blind 4)the blind

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Ответы на вопрос:

A1 she realized that she forgot to lock the door. a2 he needn't buy any bread. we already had a lot. a3 the police are investigating the crime. a4 i would call if i had known your number. a5 we would like you all enjoyed your holiday here. a6 she gave me a useful advice. a7 alison was first - person to come to the party. a8 put on your coat before you go out a9 he has been waiting for a bus for a half an hour. a10 i will never give up smoking. a11 sally is much more clever than her cousin a12 she smiled happily as she opened her present. a13 i have hardly no free time these days. a14 where did you spend your holiday last year?

Какая бы жизнь меня было при иване грозном задался я вопросом и начал рассуждать поскольку иван грозный был злым и недолюбливал людей жилось бы мне не сладко так как не зря ему дали кличку грозный даже если бы я мог выбиться в приличной семьи то было бы тяжело прожить на эти деньги иван грозный был вспыльчивым и один раз убил своего сына вывод таков что если бы я жил при иване грозном то не было бы радости я бы узнал бы все трудности жизни и даже если бы мне когда-нибудь довелось бы пожить к примеру с человеком наподобие ивана грозного я бы попытался бы его изменить и ему справиться с его проблемы

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