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Нужно написать письмо на тип с советом ребенку,который обратился в службы поддержки.david 15 лет ,любит футбол ,это его жизнь ,но из-за плохих оценок его хотят забрать от туда.

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Hello, david! i know that you need help. although football is your life, school is important too. i know, maybe it sounds banal, but believe me. you should train like a champion to become a champion. but champions are studying too. they have to be smart . so as you . i know, sometimes school is boring as hell, but it's interesting and important place . i hope you will be fine. also i hope you will be great footballer and pupil!

The mention of summer holidays always thrills me.every summer from when i was 4,we always went to norway and for me it was idyllic place.there always was party with enormous number of my relatives.my mother had made incredible things for me: she always packed us and had to book all tickets and hotels for all of us.the first step in our trip was always a london,then oslo.the capital of norway was renamed from christiania to oslo and sometimes we got confused.the most difficult and rough part was journey from new castle to oslo by ship.we always stopped in oslo to see our grandparents.the next day we continue to travel by boat.we loved this part of journey because of peace and beauty that surround you.late in the afternoon we would come finally to the end of the journey,the island of fjome.heaven knows how our mother found this the greatest place on earth.about 2 hundred yards from the cost along a narrow dusty road,stood a simple wooden hotel painted white.it was run by elderly couple whose faces i still remember clearly and every year they welcomed us like old friends

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