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сочинение на тему день победы на языке 6 класс

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      where is my sun, where is   my home?

i’m a stone and dark…  everyday`s death, and death go on,  when you say: “my life, goodbye! ”  war of the world is long, so long.  death is the most force word.  life and death – all is in the one,  i don’t know when it be gone.

russia is rich in different traditions. there are dates and events in our country that are memorable to all russian people. victory day is the greatest holiday in our country. it marks the victory of our country in world war ii, the victory of the russian troops over the nazi invaders.

  the main celebration is held in moscow. in moscow at poklonnaya hill was recently constructed the memorial complex to commemorate the victory of our people in the great patriotic war of 1941-1945.

the victory parade to celebrate the defeat of hitler germany was held on here on june 24, 1945 to the roll of drums, soldiers threw down 2 hundred enemy standards in front of the mausoleum.                                                                                                       

  the tomb of the unknown soldier. it is a simple and dignified memorial to the soldiers who died for the country in world war ii. it is here that all delegations lay wreaths. you will see the eternal flame burning at the tomb and sometimes you

can watch guardsmen here.                 

in all the towns are decorations, flags and slogans in the streets, in the shop windows and on the front of large buildings. on victory day morning there are meetings and demonstrations of the veterans who fought in the great patriotic war. on that day there usually is military parade in all big cities of our country. there are a lot of people in the streets and squares. they are all celebrating their holiday. people put flowers at the tombs of the soldiers, who were killed during the war.   they lay flowers to those who did not live to see the victory. war veterans tell the children about the war and how they fought for victory. in the evening there is usually a holiday salute and a minute of silence to remember all those who did not come back from the great patriotic war. 

  russian people are open-hearted, hospitable and friendly. love for freedom has been a national character of our people. when russia was attacked by the enemy the russian people rose up in defence of their motherland. 

no enemy has been able to conquer our country!

there are more than 13 “hero-cities” in russia because they fought so heroically during the war. the great sacrifices which people of these cities and towns made for the freedom and independence of our country, the countless hardships they went through during the war, the selfless efforts in the rear and at the front were not in vain.


volgograd is a legendary city, because here in 1943 the soviet army won the great and glorious victory over the fascists. the symbol of volgograd is the   mamaev hill. it was the centre of fighting during the heroic defence of stalingrad. the centre of volgograd is the square of the fallen heroes. in the middle of it there is a granite obelisk at the foot of it you can see the eternal flame. 

i live in a small village markuchi. it is my motherland and i love my native place very much. i consider that i am very patriotic and my tiny village is the best place in the world! there is a monument for the fallen soldiers in the centre of our village. every year our inhabitants celebrate the victory day. it’s a pity, but there are no war veterans in our village already but we have 5 toilers of the rear.

many old residents were children during the war, and their life was very difficult. we celebrate all of them, invite them to school on the holiday concert. young people must not forget   the   heroes, they must be ready to defend their country against all enemies. 

the civilization was not crushed by the world war ii and the ruins provided the stimulus to build a way of life again. the people felt free to reinvent themselves. 

i appeal to all who hold dear cause of peace:

“let us stop those who are trying to push the world into an abyss!

let our voice sound as loud as never before! ”

Iwas 5 years old. my parents lived in a small private house, which consisted of room and a spacious kitchen with a large stove. its rear panel just went in the room near the wall were my bed.it was morning, sunny, but mom drew the blinds, put me on the sofa, which stood just opposite the door to the kitchen and the stove while she went to prepare to eat. i was just over on the sofa, sorted toys, mom fussing in the kitchen, and suddenly i see because of my bed popping up someone black, just a little bigger than a cat. and sent someone to me — like the cat stood on his hind legs and talking. no fear, no horror i experienced was simply some curiosity. and it came to me, interesting — funny face, eyes huge and some silver, the front paws with the fingers, as in man, and the small claws, the back is just as paws, no hooves, tail tassel, and ears erect and sticking out like horns. and it begins to play with me: enough toys, throws them, and something grunts, kind of like laughing. and when enough, the claws scratching me lightly on the legs and arms, not painful, but noticeable.don't remember how we "played" — my mother scrubbed pots, and it ran behind the stove. i have not seen, but in memory i have left a small scar on your finger.several years ago i told this story to my grandma, she said it was a brownie - bored, that came out to frolic. and by the way, says mom, too, saw this as a child — he was leaning over the stove and made faces.

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