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Change the sentences into indirect speech. 1. “sing me one last song”, the oak-tree said. 2. “is there no way how to get a red rose? ” the bird asked. 3. “how much does the picture cost? ” asked the owner of the villa. 4. “don’t take any notice of them,” she said. 5. “he will go all over the wide world with us”, said celia.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the oak-tree asked him to sing one last song. 2. the bird wondered if there was no way to get a red rose.3. the owner of the villa asked them how much the picture cost.4. her advise was not to take any notice of them.5. celia said that he would go all over the world with them.

1. the oak-tree asked him to sing  one last song.  2. the bird wanted to know   if there was no way to get a red rose.3. the owner of the villa   wondered how much the picture cost.4. her advise wasn't to   take any notice of them.5. celia   said he would go all over the world with them. 1. дуб попросил его спеть одну последнюю песню.  2. птица хотела знать, не было ли какого-то способа получить красную розу.3. хозяин виллы хотел знать, сколько стоила картина.4. ее совет, не обращать на них внимания.5. силия сказала, что он пойдет по всему миру с ними.

окончание -s добавляем к глаголу, если подлежащее стоит в форме 3 лица единственного числа (местоимения he, she, it)


1. animals sleep in winter.      animals=they - нет окончания

2. autumn gives us fruit. -      autumn=it - добавляем окончание -s

3. it snows in winter.                        it - добавляем окончание -s

4. nature prepares for winter sleep. -    natuture=it - добавляем окончание -s

5. the sun shines brightly in summer.    - sun=it    - добавляем окончание -s


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