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Put the verbs in brackets in the required form 1. i’m looking forward to (meet) his parents. 2. i don’t feel like (work). why not (have) a snack? 3. she couldn’t help (laugh) when she looked at him. 4. would you mind (put) your pet snake somewhere else? 5. he distracted his mind by (go) to as many parties as he could. 6. most celebrities have much interest in (write) about in newspapers. 7. i have always liked (take) risks. 8. you know you risk (arrest). 9. she couldn't hide her disappointment at (leave) out of the team. 10. if a thing is worth (do) at all, it is worth (do) well (proverb) 11. some young men enjoy (play) poker. 12. i can't imagine (my husband, grumble) about clothes - he doesn't care what he wears. 13. i couldn’t really afford (buy) the dress but it was so stunning that i couldn’t help (buy) it. 14. when i was younger, i (be used) to (walk) long distances, but i’m out of practice now. 15. your car is so dirty. it needs (wash). 16. in the present circumstances he won’t risk (lose) his job. 17. i appreciate (give) a hand when i was moving house. 18. there is no point in (give) him a false impression. 19. did the kids really offer (do) the dishes? naughty little devils must be up to no good - they (be) too nice! 20. i suggested (go) in my car but they (feel) like (walk). 21. it’s no use (try) again, i can’t persuade him. he flatly refused (discuss) the matter. 22. i’ve just had the pleasure of (introduce) to your sister. 23. it’s no use (cry) over spilt milk. you’ve failed (keep) your marriage (go). 24. the children were annoyed at (tell) to leave the room. 25. i’m tired of (treat) like a child. 26. if you invest your money in that business, you risk (lose) it. 27. oh, stay upstairs until he (leave). you can’t risk (spot) here. 28. jack went to his bedroom without (notice). 29. the children prefer (watch) tv to (read). 30. he gave up (gamble) when he was 40 because of (be) broke. 31.the duchess is still very active in spite of (not be) in particularly good health. 32. it is a bit of a shock: i (not be used) to (pay) so much for a sandwich and a glass of beer. 33. niagara falls is well (see). it's one of the most spectacular sights in the world. 34. i (avoid) (get) down to work all day. it’s about time i (start). 35. after (read) this article you will give up (smoke). 36. although joe slammed on his brakes he (cannot/avoid) (hit) the small dog which suddenly darted out in front of his car. 37. joan (now/consider/change) her major from pre-med studies to psychology. 38. despite (be) rich, he doesn’t mind (treat) to a good meal or a round of drinks.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. meeting 2. working; have 3. laughing 4. putting 5. going 6. writing 7. taking 8. to be arrested 9. leaving 10. doing; to do 11. plaiying 12. my husband grumbling 13. to buy; buying 14. used to walk 15. washing 16. losing 17. having been given 18. giving 19. to do; are 20. to go; felt like walking 21. trying; to discuss 22. being introduced 23. crying; failed keeping ur marriage going 24. being told 25. being treated 26. to lose 27. leaves; being spotted 28. being noticed 29. watching; reading 30. gambling; having 31. not being 32. i am not used to paying 33. seeing 34. avoid getting; start 35. reading; smoking 36. can't avoid hitting 37. is now considering to change 38. being; being treated

1)  why is english the world's top language? because it is  international language. 2) ( "what will the role of english be in the 21-bt century? " второй вопрос точно без ошибок списан? в нем нету смысла. ) 3)  why are you learning english?   because, i can travel to any country. 4)  do you think you can do without english in your life?   not too much.

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