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Переведите кусочек умоляю in 1833, brunel was made chief engineer of the great western railway, and he created a broad-gauge track that was seven feet wide. not only could the wheels be accommodated in this fashion, but it also became possible to carry passengers. brunel is perhaps best remembered for designing the clifton suspension bridge in bristol. spanning over 700 ft. (210 m), and nominally 200 ft. (61 m) above the river avon, it was the longest bridge in the world at the time of construction. besides he improved the design for the bridge over the tamar river near plymouth.

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В1833 году брюнель был сделан главным инженером большой западной железной дороги, и он создал широкую колеи, которая была шириной в семь футов. мало того, могли колеса быть размещены таким образом, но это также стало возможным перевозить пассажиров. brunel, , лучше всего помнят за проектирование висячий мост клифтон в бристоле. охватывая более 700 фут. (210 м), и номинально 200 футов. (61 м) над рекой эйвон, это был самый длинный мост в мире на момент строительства. кроме того, он улучшил дизайн моста через реку тамар возле плимут.

Asong was sang by her i was hot by somebody the bus was stopped by us my var was stolen by a thief the prize wasn’t won by her the beds were not made by them they were not told was the letter sent by him? were they told?

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