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1.write the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives. expensive large cheerful dangerous talkative pretty 2.fill in the right form of the adjectives. it is of my life. happy happier happiest it is . hot hotter the hottest the neva the moskva river. deep deeper deepest it is of the year. cold colder coldest a plane a train. fast faster the fastest a bicycle is of travelling. cheapest cheaper cheap alaska spain. more colder colder more cold the nile is in the world. longest longer most long 3.fill in suitable words to complete the sentences. your tv is (good) than ours. this is the (bad) film he's ever seen. his accent is (correct) than yours. this is the (tasty) meal i've ever eaten. what is the (fast) car in the world? 4. complete these sentences with as, than, from, less or more. she's much am. she' is. his clothes is . i have the same has. coats are less common russia. children wear more casual parents.

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Ответы на вопрос:

More expensive, the most expensive larger, the largest more cheerfull, the most cheerfull more dangerous, the most dangerous more talkative, the most talkative prettier, the pretties 2. it is the happiest day of my life. hot deeper coldest faster cheapest colder longest 3. better the worst more correct tastiest the fastest 4. than more, than from that then than

Смысл в том, что тебе сначала надо понять, действие произошло быстро (например: ты бросил кирпич в окно) либо оно происходило в течение какого-то времени (например: я готовился к экзамену вчера).
a: how did you break the window? (past simple, то есть действие произошло быстро. он разбил окно)
b: i was playing football (он играл в футбол в течение продолжительного времени, поэтому пишем past continuous) and the ball a: did you see b: was i : was you : i was : : was : why did she : was : why didn’t you answer (на счёт этого не уверена) b: i was : what did terry do when you saw b: he was studying

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