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1) подчеркните правильные слова. 1. jane often works/ does jane often work at the weekend? 2. jones writing/ jones’s writing the report at the moment. it should be ready by tonight. 3. i don’t know/ not know why your invoice hasn’t been paid. i’ll try to find out. 4. he not replying/ he isn’t replying to my emails. i’ll have to phone him. 2. put the verbs in brackets into the simple present or the present continuous tense. 1. you can't see tom now: he (have) a bath. 2. he usually (drink) coffee but today he (drink) tea. 3. i won't go out now as it (rain) and i (not have) an umbrella. 4. the last train (leave) the station at 11.30. 5. he usually (speak) so quickly that i (not understand) him. 6. tom can't have the newspaper now because his aunt (read) it. 7. the kettle (boil) now. shall i make the tea? 8. you (see) my car keys anywhere? -no, i (look) for them but i (not see) them. 9. what this one ( (cost) forty pence. 10. tom and mr pitt (have) a long conversation. i (wonder) what they (talk) about. 11. look at that crowd. i (wonder) what they (wait) for. 12. why you (walk) so fast today? you usually (walk) quite slowly. ~ 13. i (hurry) because i (meet) my mother at 4 o'clock and she (not like) to be kept waiting. 3) сочините предложения, вопросительные и отрицательные. 1. the customer makes a decision to buy the product. 2. gerdau is becoming one of latin america’s most successful companies.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Does jone's  i don't he isn't has drinks, is drinking is raining, don't have leaves speaks, don't understand is reading is boiling do you see, i'm looking, i don't see costs/ wonder, costs have, wonder, are talking wonder, are waiting are walking, walk hurry, i'm meeting, doesn't like

Does jane often work at the weekend? jones’s writing the report at the moment. it should be ready by tonight. i don’t know why your invoice hasn’t been paid. i’ll try to find out. he isn’t replying to my emails. i’ll have to phone him.

1. Have you sent your emails?

 Yes, but I haven't read this message from John.

2. Has your mum bought an e-book reader?

  Yes, but she hasn't put any books on it.

3. Have you and your friends taken any photos?

  No, but we've made a film!

4. Has Sam uploaded his photos to Facebook?

 No, but he has written a new blog.

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