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Сколько сможете! 1 i am going to the to buy stamps. a toy shop b sports shop c post office 2 peter loves fish. he finds it . a dull b delicious c disgusting 3 you play football? a do b does c doesn't 4 how many of bread do we need? a loaf b loaves c leaves 5 my name's molly. m-o- l-y. a double b twin c two 6 his sister goes to school foot. a in b by c on 7 those are mary’s books. they are . a hers b his c her 8 my brother go out alone; he's only three. a isn't b hasn't c can't 9 there are cushions on the bed. a any b some c an 10 i hate peas and carrots. a wow b super c yuck 11 she take the bus to school; she walks. a don’t b does c doesn’t 12 does she go to school? no, she . a doesn't b don't c does 13 the on her identification card is 15-6-07. a full name b expiry date c telephone number 14 “where’s the coffee table? ” “it’s next the fireplace.” a to b of c in 15 we watch “the simpsons” every night. we miss it. a always b never c sometimes 16 there are four opposite the table. a boxes b boxs c box 17 open your sandy. time to wake up. a eyes b mouth c ears 18 we’ll make a special dish for birthday. a him b he c his 19 “what’s the date today? ” “i think it’s .” a 25th july b tuesday c 2007 20 they the washing up now. a are doing b do c does 21 pedro is from barcelona; he is . a spanish b spain c spaniard 22 bob is in his room. he his homework. a does b do c is doing 23 “is the food good? ” “ special.” a something b anything c nothing 24 on nice days, i my bike to the park. a sail b drive c ride 25 why don’t we meet 7 o’clock? a on b at c in 26 it is dangerous to ride the traffic. a from b against c on 27 the smith’s new house very large. a is b are c be 28 kim’s hair isn’t really straight or curly. it’s . a fair b wavy c short 29 is that new car? a there b theirs c their 30 “is the party on thursday? ” “no, it's the next day. on .” a saturday b wednesday c friday 31 “what time is it? ” “it’s half five.” a to b thirty c past 32 “ do you like my new dress? ” “it's lovely! ” a when b how c why 33 the summer, we often go to the beach. a in b on c at 34 we can go now, the traffic are green. a line b lights c lane 35 don’t sit on the floor; the is much more comfortable. a table b carpet c sofa 36 there’s a cinema to the library. a opposite b next c behind 37 “does your friend like thrillers? ” “yes, she .” a do b doesn't c does 38 ken is the uncle. a twin b twins’ c twin’s 39 today’s 2nd july. it’s the day of the month. a second b third c tenth 40 who are those a woman b womans c women 41 why aren’t there chairs in the kitchen? a a b some c any 42 don’t touch that! it’s . a yours b my c mine 43 they buy all their from the greengrocer’s. a newspapers b bread c vegetables 44 “what’s your ” “15 willow avenue.” a date b birthday c address 45 i love when all the flowers start to grow. a spring b winter c autumn 46 the evening, i do my homework. a at b in c on 47 she doesn’t like travelling plane. a by b on c in 48 do you your teeth three times a day? a wash b brush c scrub 49 my favourite is on tv tonight. a sitcom b fiction c music 50 our aunt and uncle’s children are our . a twins b sisters c cousins 51 does your mother know how to drive a a car b bike c boat 52 me, is the library on this street? a sorry b excuse c welcome 53 never run from the pavement the road. a into b on c onto 54 “what’s your father’s ? ” “he’s a doctor.” a full name b team c occupation 55 then you turn right the traffic lights. a in b at c on 56 go this street until you reach the bank. a up b on c onto 57 your home address? a what’s b where’s c how’s 58 when you’re in the car, don’t lean out the window. a down b of c to 59 when you cross a street, both ways for traffic. a look b see c listen просьба не писать наугад!

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. c) 2. b) 3. a) 4. b) 5. c) 6. c) 7. a) 8. c) 9. b) 10. c) 11. c) 12. a) 13. b) 14. a) 15. b) 16. a) 17. a) 18. c) 19. a) 20. a) 21. c) 22. c) 23. c) 24. c) 25. a) 26. b) 27. a) 28. b) 29. c) 30. c) 31. c) 32. b) 33. b) 34. b) 35. c) 36. b)

2-enjoy 3-start 4-go 5-do 6-work 7-like

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