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Мне. you are having a dinner party at your house. respond to the things your guest asks you in the most appropriate way. use the prompts below to help you. • still or sparkling water, or water from the tap • it’s upstairs and the first door on the right • you want to go outside for some fresh air • you don’t like people smoking

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  could i have a glass of water, please?   sure. would you like still or sparkling water, or water from the tap?   можно стаканчик воды, ?   конечно! вам газированной воды, негазированной или из крана?   could you tell me where the bathroom is, please?                                             certainly. it’s upstairs and the first door on the rightне подскажете, где у вас ванная комната? конечно! на втором этаже первая дверь направо.  it's a bit stuffy in the room, isn't it? do you want to go outside for some fresh air? в комнате душновато немного, не так ли? не хотите выйти подышать свежим воздухом? would you mind my smoking here? i'm afraid i would.   i don't   like people smoking in the room.вы не будете возражать, если я закурю? боюсь, что буду. мне не нравится, когда люди курят в комнате.

The boy is seriosly burned with new years eve firewoks in norwich yesterday

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