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1. замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями в объектном падеже: 1)read these offers and latters to your general director. 2)put that brown pencil on my desk, please. 3)i meet our secretary in the office every day. 4)our work helps me and my friend to speak german well. 5)our manager is discussing business matters with the manager of gml now. 2. поставьте по одному общему вопросу к каждому предложению, используя глаголы do или does: 1)our manager seldom discusses business matters on the phone. 2)my family usually watch tv in the evening. 3)his friend often comes to his office to help him. 4)she likes to drink coffee with milk. 5)different foreign delegations arrive in moscow every day. 3. заполните пропуски, используя местоимения some, any, no: 1)i see telexes on my desk. where are they? people are hardworking, are lazy. 3)«are there foreign newspapers on your table? » – «no, there are foreign newspapers». 4)i would like to buy mineral water. let’s go to the supermarket. 5)this business letter is very short. you must add details about new equipment.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. 1.  read to 2.put it 3. i meet her 4. our work helps us 5. with him.

I'm studying English here. There aren't (1) any (  в отрицательных предложениях используется ) other Russian students here, but there are (2) some (в утвердительных)   Ukrainian girls.

It's fun! I haven't got (3) much ( неисчисляемое) free time because I've got (4) a lot of ( исчисляемое) English classes every day. Yesterday we went

sightseeing. The city is exciting but it's very busy - there's (5)  too much ( слишком много ) traffic here.

I'll send you (6) some ( утвердительное) pictures.

See you soon


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