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  i have never been to canada. but i know a little about this country. i think that , canada and russia are similar in many ways.   canada and russia  are large countries.   canada occupies a northern part of north america. canada is the second largest country in the world. canadians speak english. ottawa, the country's capital, is the largest city of canada.   as for canadian flora and fauna, they are really diverse.  unlike russia, canada is a constitutional monarchy.   canada is rich in natural resources: gas, oil, coal, gold, copper, iron ore, nickel, uranium, zinc, along with wood and water. like canada, russia can also be proud of its natural resources. the climate of canada can be compared with that of russia. canada is a snowy   country. there are long, cold winters and cool summer months. i think canada as russia is a very beautiful country. you can see there lots of interesting places. i would like to visit canada.

1)the professor likes to read books with the plot of the adventure-профессору нравится читать книги с сюжетом "приключения"

2)the cat found my cross in the bushes-кошка нашла в кустах мой крестик

3)brown bear lives in a dark cave- бурый медведь живёт в тёмной пещере

4)the compass is pointing south- компас указывает на юг

5)we discover a historic vase- мы обнаружили вазу

6)before you move you need to explore the territory-перед переездом нужно исследовать территорию

7)i hid your favorite candy bar under his pillow-я спрятала твой любимый шоколадный батончик под подушку

8)i have a huge teddy bear at home-у меня дома огромный плюшевый мишка

9)scientists have discovered the initials of primitive people-ученые обнаружили инициалы первобытных людей

10)i journeyed to austria with my parents-я путешествовал в австрию с родителями

11)i have a nephew who lives in russia-у меня племянник живет в россии

12)there was an interesting plot in my book-в моей книге был интересный сюжет

13)i saw a rock that was two meters high-я увидел скалу высотой в два метра

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