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My mother is the (beautiful) woman in the world! his car is (cheap) than hers. max is the (small) boy in the class. liz is (happy) than beth. it is the (hot) day in the year. his essay is (good) than lena’s one. this book is (interesting) than that one.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the most beautiful 2.cheaper 3.the smallest 4.happier 5.the hottest 6.best 7.more interesting

My mother is the most beautiful woman in te world! his car is cheaper than hers. max is the smallest boy in the class. liz is happier than beth. it is the hottest day in the year. his essay is better than lena' s one. this book is more interesting than that one.

Пальто • ср. (over)coat, topcoat широкое пальто, свободное пальто ≈ sack-coat, paletot • с. нескл. coat, overcoat; ~вый coat attr. ; ~вые ткани coat fabrics.

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