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Состав слова. оказалась, протянулся .

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Ответы на вопрос:

4,7(21 оценок)

Корень [оказ] + суффикс [а] + постфикс [л] + окончание [о] + постфикс [сь] основа(ы) слова: оказа  ,  корень [прот] + суффикс [ян] + суффикс [у] + постфикс [л] + постфикс [ся] основа(ы) слова: протяну 


Вотт fourth drawing. These clouds are very beautiful and these clouds remind me of how beautiful nature is, how beautiful they are, but these are just clouds.

These clouds appear in the sky when the sun rises.

What are the clouds doing? Helping them it rains, and this is very necessary for nature!

As a result, clouds are necessary for nature and looking at them you can understand how much nature has done everything original. For me, clouds are a beautiful view of the sky.

Популярно: Русский язык