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Переделать предложения из прямой речи в косвенную. 1) jennifer said to me: " i am busy today and i will be busy tomorrow" 2) the shop assistant said : "the shoe department is downstairs" 3) she asked me : " do you know the name of this artist? " 4)" i am fond of dickens", said jack 5) my mother asked : " when will you do your hometask? "

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) jennifer told me that she was busy that day and she would be busy the next day.

2) the shop assistant said that the shoe department was downstairs.

3) she asked me if i knew the name of that artist.

4) jack said that he was fond of dickens.

5) my mother asked me when i would do my homework.

Istart learn in school at first of september at first od september too. yes, everewhere around the world. no, in some countries the school uniform is optional i love to start school in september because i love autumn yes, i love school like it is my second home this phrase means that school is the second home for you or not.

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