Напишите предложения во множественном числе. 1. this is my pen and that is your pencil. 2. this is our office and that is yours. 3. this is his desk and that is hers. 4. this is my book and that is theirs. 5. this is my letter and that is yours. 6. is this my book? 7. is that house yours? that house is mine.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. these are my pens and those are your pencils. 2. these are our offices and those are yours. 3. these are his desks and those are hers. 4. these are  my books and those are theirs. 5. these are  my letters and those are yours. 6. are   these books mine? 7. are those houses yours? those houses are mine.

    one day i was supposed to come with each visit. i've been waiting for this day, we do not vidilis′ with him 2 years.      here is the long-awaited day, i kipil us gozirovki and chips. but no one came. after 3 days i received a letter from a friend. "dear friend, i contracted influenza, izveni me."

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