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Перевести на : в начале xx века ёлки украшались ватными игрушками, бумажными , фигурками из папье-маше. в основном их делали дома, покупали на рынке. из простых материалов ваты, бумаги, клея создавались удивительные фигурки детей, клоунов, животных, фрукты.

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At the beginning of the xx century the christmas tree decorated with cotton toys, paper garlands, figures made of papier-mache. basically, they do at home, bought in the market. from simple materials wool, paper and glue to create amazing figures of children, clowns, animals, fruits.

In the early twentieth century the trees were decorated with cotton toys, paper garlands, figurines of papier-mache. mostly do them at home, bought in the market. from simple materials, wool, paper, glue created amazing figures of children, clowns, animals, fruits.

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