:с fill in the blanks with the prepositions where necessary 1. a dollar is made either ……. silver or ……. paper. 2. a dollar is equal ……. ……. roubles. 3. the federal reserve system issues bills ……. one dollar, two dollars, etc. 4. i am sorry, i have no change ……. me. (простите, у меня нет мелочи) 5. i am sorry i am short ……. money. 6. what paper money ……. circulation in our country? 7. it is a rouble ……. a unit. (рубль за штуку) 8. what is the rate ……. exchange ……. british currency? 9. give me ten pounds ……. small coins, please. 10. the exchange rate ……. banknotes is high ……. present.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. a dollar is made either of silver or of paper. 2. a dollar is equal to 63 roubles. 3. the federal reserve system issues bills in one dollar, two dollars, etc. 4. i am sorry, i have no change on me. 5. i am sorry i am short of money. 6. what paper money is in circulation in our country? 7. it is a rouble a unit. 8. what is the rate of exchange for british currency? 9. give me ten pounds in small coins, please. 10. the exchange rate for banknotes is high at present.

Winter months  have never been amongst my favourite: it's always a way too cold, too dark and too slippery in winter. but the fact i'm absolutely happy about is that  christmas is coming soon! even though i'm not a huge fan of the cold season, there are still few good things here. winter holidays for example. every single child in the world knows that outstanding feeling of an upcoming miracle new year celebration and christmas bring.  christmas  is believed to be  one of the most magical holidays and it really is! at least because of its unbelievable power to gather all the families at the table. yes, winter holidays are full of traditions and having a feast is one of them. my family also has some christmas traditions: on the xmas eve we usually set up the table, decorate the house and mother cooks some great meals!   but the last year everything  went off the beaten track. my mom suddenly got the promotion lately in december. and because of that we had to leave the city. just imagine! going somewhere on the christmas eve! dad was completely shocked, and so was i. but there was nothing to do - we had to move to atlanta. we hoped we could reach the city before christmas so we could possibly celebrate it, but the weather was harsh! there was so much snow on the roads that we got stuch in the huge traffic jam and spent all the holiday in the car. 

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