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Choose the correct verb tense. 1 harry has always been wanting/has always wanted to ride on a parade float. 2 i'm sorry i'm late. have you waited/have you been waiting long? 3 have you found/have you been finding a costume for the fancy yet? 4 alex has been trying/'ve never tried candy floss. is it nice? 6 ivan has danced/has been dancing ever since the concert started. isn't he tired? 7 i don't think the parade will take place; it has been raining/has rained for two days now and the streets are flooded.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.harry has always been wanting to ride on a parade float. 2.  i'm sorry i'm late.have you been waiting long 3.have you been finding a costume for the fancy yet? 4.alex ve never tried candy floss. is it nice? 6.ivan  has been dancing ever since the concert started. isn't he tired? 7.i don't think the parade will take place has rained for two days now and the streets are flooded.

в этой стране о приходе нового года возвещает  колокол знаменитого биг-бена. бить он начинает раньше 12 часов тихо-тихо, так как укрыт одеялом. но ровно в полночь колокола раздевают, и они начинают громко бить, возвещая о наступлении нового года.


in this country arrival of new year is announced by a bell of the well-known big ben. it starts beating before 12 hours very quietly as it is covered by a blanket. but exactly in midnight of a bell undress, and they start beating loudly, announcing approach of new year.

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