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Divide the words from the box into four groups according to the parts of speech to which they belong allow,scenery,possibly,devotion,eventually,previous,cruelly,receive,classical,impossible, willingly , cruelty, character, elegance, blood, add, entertainment, devoted, previously,explain, preference, produce, thrilling, cruel, connect, expensive,devote, finally. nouns: scenery, verbs: allow, adjectives: previous, adverbs: possibly,

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Ответы на вопрос:

Nounce: scenery, devotion, cruelty, character, blood, entertainment. verbs: allow, receive, add, connect, devote. adjectives: previous, classical, impossible, elegance, devoted, thrilling, cruel, expensive. adverbs: possibly, eventually, cruelly, willingly, previously, finally.

Dear lisa, two summers ago in the village when i was walking i heard a strange sound that i thought came out of the bushes.the sound was like birds chirping. i stopped and listened for a long time and could not understand what it was. and all of a sudden i saw the bushes stirred, and from there straight at me jumped out a very small and beautiful bird.which is something twittered and flew away.since that time i have never heard of and not seen birds like this. and what was strange with you lisa ?

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