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По языку. rewrite the sentences into reported speech. 1. ‘i don’t want to go to school today’, sammy said to his mother. 2. ‘i’ll buy some milk on my way home from work,’ said john. 3. ‘tommy hasn’t finished eating his dinner ‘, lucy said to roy. 4. ‘my mother can look after the children next week’, sue said to harry. 5. ‘tony was practicing the clarinet last night’, his father said. 6. ‘the last time i saw jean was two months ago,’ diane said. 7. ‘mr. white comes to my cafe for a cup of coffee every morning, ‘don said. 8. ‘eric has just opened his new shop,’ ian said to ben. 9. ‘you must pay the bills on monday’, clare said to alan. 10. ‘do you know how to use the internet? ’ our teacher asked us. rewrite the sentences (passive voice): 1. the gangsters killed him yesterday morning. 2. she hasn't made the dinner yet. 3. we should buy a new stove. 4. i water the flowers every day. 5. a postman has delivered an insured letter.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. sammy told to his mother that he didn't want to go to school. 2. john told that he'll buy some milk on his way home from work. 3. lucy told to roy that tommy hasn't finished eating his dinner.  4. sue told to harry that her mother can cook after the children next week. 5. father told that t ony was practicing the clarinet last night.  6. diane told that t he last time she saw jean was two months ago.7. don told that  mr. white comes to his cafe for a cup of coffee every morning.8. ian told to to ben that  eric has just opened his new shop.9. clare told alan that  he  must pay the bills on monday.10. teacher asked you if you knew how to use the internet. 1. he killed by the gangsters yesterday morning.2. the dinner hasn't made by her yet. 3. a new stove should buy by us. 4. the fowers watered by myself every day.  5.  an insured letter has delievered by postman. 

керек маган


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