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Переведите на , 1.когда будет эта лекция? лекция будет 14-го во вторник 2.о чем эта лекция? эта лекция о мифах 3.где будет проходить лекция? лекция будет проходить в концертном зале 4.во сколько начнется будет лекция? лекция начнется в 7: 30 утра 5.как забронировать места? места можно забронировать на нашем сайте

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. when will this lecture? . the lecture will be the 14th   on  tuesday  2.your than   this lecture ? this lecture about the myths 3. where the lecture will   place? this lecture will be held in the concert hall 4.how much the lecture began? the lecture began at 7: 30 am 5.how to book the places? places can be  booked on our website

1. do you meet him every day? 2. does his mother teach geography at school? 3. did tom's father work at a plant 10 years ago? 4.did ann break the window yesterday? 5. will you ring me up tomorrow? 6. has bill read this chapter yet? 7. were they waiting for the director 20 minutes yesterday? 1. you don't meet him every day. 2. his mother doesn't teach geography at school. 3. tom's father didn't work at a plant 10 years ago. 4. ann didn't break the window yesterday. 5. i will not ring you up tomorrow. 6. bill has not read this chapter yet. 7. they were not waiting for the director 20 minutes yesterday.

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