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Use the -ing forms of the verbs below to complete the sentences 1. take) a cold shower in the morning is veru useful. 2. i like to play) different games. 3. he thinks jog) in hot for him. 4. i like ski), but my sister prefers skate). 5. let's boat).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. taking a cold shower in the morning is veru useful. 2. i like playing different games. 3. he thinks jogging is not for him. 4. i like to skiing , but my sister prefers skating. 5. let's go boating. не уверен по поводу 3. там, скорее всего, опечатка

1)if i had this book i would read it.-2тип if i had had this book i would have read it.-3 2)she would get a good mark if she wrote composition well-2 she would have got a good mark if she had written composition well.-3 3)if he got some money he would buy some food.-2 if he had got some money he would have bought some food-3.

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