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Вариант 3. 1. выберите правильный вариант артиклей в предложении: the restaurant tall building made glass stone. a) a, the, a b)a, -, - c) the, the , the d) -, -, - e) a, a, a 2. put a spoon the cup. a) into. b)at. c) in. d)to. e) from. 3. синоним слова "funny": a)dull. b)cheerful. c)boring. d)cruel. : e) clever. 4. выберите правильный вариант перевода "движение", обращая внимание на суффикс: a)unmoved. b)movable. c)moveness. d)movement. e) removed. 5. late than never. a) good. b)bad. c)best. d) worst. e) better. 6. решите пример: seventy minus fifty five a)fifty. b)fivety. c)fiveteen. d)five. e) fifteen. 7. выберите прилагательное в превосходной степени сравнения: a)the smaller. b)the nicer. c)the bigger. d)the hottest. e) the worse. 8. i like to hear french. please words in french. a)a little. b)little. c)few. d)a few. e) many. 9. дополните предложение подходящим местоимением: i has taken my pen. who was it? a)anybody. b)anything. c)something. d)somebody. e) nobody. 10. выберите правильный вариант множественного числа существительного: visited of this country. a)boy /citys. b)boys / cities. c)boys / city. d)boy/city. e) boy/cities. 11. выберите правильную форму глагола. i chocolate. a) eat. в) to eating. c) ate. d) eating. e) eaten. 22. выберите глагол в форме present indefinite active: a)did. b)doing. c) do. d) is doing. e) done. 13. выберите соответствующую форму глагола в настоящем длительном времени: home now. a)go. b)goes. c)going. d)is going. e) am going. 14.определите, в каком времени и залоге необходимо поставить в предложении глагол. what's the matter with nick? him since tuesday. a)did not see. b)don't see. c)haven't seen. d)1 had not seen. e) will not see. 15. закончите предложение: my sister is reading a a)just then. b)every day. c)now. d)tomorrow. e)yesterday. 16.выберите правильный вариант сказуемого: if time, i shall make a cake. a) would have. b)had. c) will have. d)have. e)has. 17. astana (изменилась) very much. a)has chained. b)has changed. c)has chinged. d)has captured. e) has charmed. 18. "how old are you? " jane asked. a)jane asked me how old was i. b)jane answered how old i was. c)jane asked me how old i was. d)jane asked me how old i am. e) jane asked me how old i had been. 19. "have you found the book? " she asked me. a)she asked me if i have found the book. b)she asked me whether have i found the book. c)she asked me if i had found the book. d)she asked me whether i found the book. e) she asked me if i found the book. 20. закончите предложение: the british money is a)crones. b)roubles. c)franks. d)dollars. e) pounds.

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1)c 2)a 3)b 5)e 4) не зн 6)c

№1 are is is is are are are #2 sink book sofa garden garage

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