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So petey started off . it wasn't long before he saw a collie running with a boy on a bicycle. petey trembled with joy. if i had a boy on a bicycle, " said petey to himself, " i could run like anything! i'll take a little run right now, and i'll ask the collie politely if he'll give his boy away. " перевести текст

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Так пити вышла. это было незадолго до того, как увидел колли работает с мальчиком на велосипеде. пити дрожал от радости. я может запустить электронную что-нибудь! я возьму немного бежать прямо сейчас, и я попрошу колли вежливо, если он отдаст своего сына прочь. "

He said that he was against giving information to strangers mrs. brown told that she doesn't like her daughter's boyfriend. my friend asked john how he had coped with that project. helen asked me if  i had ever been to the british museum. paul said that his family would buy a new printer the following  day. mike said that his son is seven and he can already read. harry told me not to miss my time

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