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№3 выберитеправильныйвариант ( presentsimpleилиpresentcontinuous )для глагола,стоящеговскобках: 1.thesupplier(usually /not / agree) toreducetheprice . a. is not usuallyagreeingb. doesn’tusuallyagree 2.where ismrdunn? he (discuss) our industrialinvestmentpolicywiththepartners. a. discussesb. isdiscussing 3.theyalways(purchase) newmodels . a. don’talwayspurchaseb. arenotalwayspurchasing 4.please , call abitlater. jane(haveashower) . a. ishavingb. has 5.he(attend) differentconferenceseveryyear. a. isattendingb. attends 6.mrbrownisat thetests . they(inspect)theequipment . a. testb. are testing 7.what(be) hispositioninthecompanynow ? a. isbeingb. is

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 b,2 b,3 a, 4 a,5b,6b,7a.

1 b,2 b,3 a, 4 a,5b,6b,7a.

1.going out of the hous mother.3.the girl leaves school.2.the children leave school.4.the boy comes out of the store

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