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Текст по . мове про пиццу типо любимая еда где-то 6 речень (с переводом и )

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Hello! my name is and i love pizza. i think this is my most favorite food, because i can always have it. first, my friend suggested to try one bite and i really liked it, since i always eat it. but parents govoryaft. that if there are so many pizza. it will be thick and stomach ache. here i think it's true or not, but even if so, the pizza всем ! меня зовут и я люблю пицу. наверное это моя самая любимая пища, потому что я могу её есть всегда. сначала мне друг предложил попробовать один кусочек и мне понравилось,   с тех пор я постоянно её ем. но родители говоряфт. что если есть так много пицы. то стану толстым и будет болеть живот. вот думаю, правда это или нет, но даже если это так, то пицу любить и есть не перестану 

1. ex-wife/ex-husband -  e. someone that you were married to in the past but are now divorced from 2. late wife/late husband -  c. someone that you were married to in the past who is now dead 3. second wife/second husband -  f. someone that you marry when you have already been married to someone  else before 4. stepmother/stepfather -  a. someone that is married to one of your parents, but isn’t your parent 5. stepsister/stepbrother -  d. the child of someone that is married to one of your parents 6. half-sister/half-brother -  b. someone who has the same mother, or the same father, as you, but not both parents

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